An IT company supplying the eToken ecosystem with security and data services

Show users what they actually need to know

Customers and merchants using a SLP Self-Mint token for payment do not need to be overloaded with a classical, detailed block explorer. Instead, most importantly, they seek to know they current balance, addresses and transactions of the token used for payment. Additionally, some data can be parsed out of these transactions following a specific protocol not supported by other explorers. For example, the parsed out MintId of a MINT transactions can solve ongoing disputed payments between merchant, customer and token issuer.

Self-Mint SLP Explorer

Minimalism: no information overload for customers

White Label: customizable

Token Certificate


per year

Listing: secure your token name & ticker

API: show wallets and customers your seriousness

Proof: immutable on-chain credential

Our Mission is to protect your Token

SLP tokens are unique through their token id and yet the labeling by token name and ticker is permissionless. Fraud by imitation of tokens used for valuable applications is a legitimate risk for every token creator's reputation and customer experience.

To counter this insecurity in the token ecosystem, we offer a registration service for token creators. No other token with the same name or ticker will be allowed to register once you have registered yours. Our API will make it possible for wallets, or anyone else, to request the registration status of a token in form of a Verifiable Credential. Every credential is secured by an on-chain proof as a source of truth.

It is possible to register token name and ticker for tokens that will be created later on.

Never loose track of your mint transactions for Self-Mint SLP Tokens

Mint transactions are the primary type of transaction used for digital payments through tokens like BUX. To keep track of incoming transactions it is necessary to get transaction data by their parsed payment ID.

Our API can fulfill your custom data requirements. Connected services, like the Admyn Panel, allow for simple visualization of this data. Merchants can also implement the API in their own payment processing.

Mint Data API

Mints: reliably access unlimited mint transaction data

Admyn: sync with payment requests in the Admyn Panel

Extra Data: get additional statistics for your mints